News Archive
03_2010: In the frame of the Leonardo BINGO project a transnational meeting took place in Assisi/Umbria the 08./09. march of 2010. The group was introduced to the guide of professional profiles developed by CST Assisi (Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sul Turismo e sulla Promozione Turistica). Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 |
07_2008: Europrojecting hosted the final meeting of the Grundtvig FEMALE project in Berlin with guestes from Lithuania, France, Italy, Finland and Spain.
06_2008: Europrojecting visited business partners in Firenze.
06_2008: Europrojecting participated in the iMove Workshop "Country portfolio and market entry strategies" which took place in Berlin (Ellington Hotel) 18./19. June 2008.
05_2008: In the frame of the Grundtvig FEMALE project a transnational meeting took place in Turku/Abo (Finland) the 22.05/23.05. The group visited local associated partners and had working meetings in the Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University (Fortbildningscentralen vid Åbo Akademi) Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 |
05_2008: Europrojecting visited business partners in Sofia/Bulgaria.
03_2008: In the frame of the Grundtvig FEMALE project a transnational meeting took place in Gijon/Asturias the 31.03/01.04. The group visited local associated partners and several city halls and mayors (Gijon & Candas). Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Show
03_2008: Europrojecting participated in the iMove Workshop "Fit for international education markets" which took place in Berlin (Ellington Hotel) 10./11. March 2008.
03_2008: Europrojecting visited the ITB Berlin, the worlds leading travel trade show in Berlin. There is always a special hall for "Training and Education in Tourism".
02_2008: Sustainable Energy Week (28. January - 01. February 2008) Bruxelles
01_2008: Expert trip to Andalucia with the focus on solar and wind energy projects.
12_2007: FEMALE Meeting in Toulon. CT-TRANS Meeting in Paris. New projects meeting with the focus on demographic change in Amsterdam.
11_2007: The third workshop of the CT-TRANS project took place at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas in November 2007.
10_2007: Annual Leonardo Conference of the german national agency in Bonn (25./26. October 2007)
10_2007: Florian Hans attended the 11. Tourism Summit in Berlin (Hotel Adlon) on the 8./9. October.
09_2007: The founding members of CIM Group EEIG met in Florence on the 24.09.2007 to finalise the statute and decide about the proceeding for the next 6 month.
07_2007: At the first of July the fourth meeting of the Leonardo TREIN Project took place in Nyköping/Sweden.
06_2007: At the 12th of June the german valorisation workshop in the frame of the E-Talent project took place in Dessau/Germany. With the group of Bulgarian delegates we traveled together to Cagliari/Sardegna. Esode S.r.l. hosted the Italian valorisation event on the 15th of June. Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3
05_2007: In the frame of a Grundtvig Learning Partnership the second meeting took place in Panevezys/Lithuania during the days from 14th to 17th of may. The participants had several meetings with local representatives and presented their national reports on women entrepreneurship on a conference. Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3
04_2007: The second workshop of the CT-TRANS project took place in Budapest at the end of April.
04_2007: The "E-Talent"-Conference took place in Sofia April the 2./3.
03_2007: In cooperation with Veb Consult Firenze 'europrojecting' applied in Italy for a Leonardo transfer of innovation project titled 'European Mobility Skills'. For that reason Peter Völk and Florian Hans had several meetings in Florence with partners from Spain, Romania and Bulgaria.
02_2007: For the preparation of a framework programme 7 application 'europrojecting' attended a working meeting in Patti/Sicily.
02_2007: The third meeting of the Leonardo TREIN project took place in Rome on the 5th of February.
01_2007: The "E-Talent"-Kick-off meeting took place in Sofia. The partners discussed the proceeding next 5 month and fixed a international conference in Sofia (April 2007) and two national workshops in Cagliari (Italy) and Dessau (Germany) for June 2007.
12_2006: The "E-Talent"-Proposal in the framework of the eLearning Call for Proposals 2006 was selected by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Under the 2006 call for proposals were submitted 161 applications. Within the confines of the 2006 budget, 17 projects were selected for a Community co-financing.
11_2006: In November 2006 the first Meeting in the frame of a Grundtvig Learning Partnership "FEMALE" took place in Florence at Tikappa Consultant S.r.l. Partner from Italy, France, Lithuania, Finland, Spain and Germany joined the meeting.
10_2006: In October 2006 the kick-off Workshop of the Leonardo pilot project "CT-TRANS" took place at the headquarter of AFT-IFTIM in Paris. Promoter of this project is the transport trade union TCM-UGT of the Region Castilla y León. Partner from Hungary, Bulgaria, France, Spain, Germany, Lithuania and United Kingdom.
09_2006: The results of "European Competence" have been presented on the Sonnenberg (St. Andreasberg/Harz) at the "International Haus Sonnenberg" in September 2006. The developed material for Trainers and Multipliers is available as Multimedia DVD (german). In addition to the DVD, a brochure "Do’s and Don’ts in Europe" is available. Partners from Denemark, France, Italy and the Netherlands contributed to the project.
Teaching with Emotional Intelligence. A step-by-step guide for higher and further education professionals. Alan Mortiboys. Routledge 2005.
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