laufende Projekte
Im Auftrag der Deutschen Angestellten-Akademie werden zur Zeit folgende Projekte in europäischer Partnerschaft durchgeführt:
- CT-TRANS (10/2006 - 09/2008)
Harmonised Continuous Training for Road Transport, according to Directive 2003/59/EC, and experimental application of New Technologies (Leonardo - Pilot /ES - Valladolid + Bilbao) - TREIN (10/2005 - 09/2007)
Training in Emotional Intelligence (Leonardo - Pilot /ES - Zaragoza + Bilbao) - FEMALE (09/2006 - 08/2007)
Fostering Self Entrepreneurship of Women in Adult Education (Grundtvig - Learning Partnership /IT - Firenze) - ETALENT (01/2007 - 12/2007)
Valorization of eLearning projects results focused on the effects of ICT application and innovation introduction on youth talent development (E-Learning Programme /BG - Novo Selo)